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Rehabilitation or Bankruptcy?' Haru Invest and Delio Investors are Divided in Opinion

Investors are divided over how to recover funds from virtual asset financial services Haru Invest and Delio, which suspended withdrawals due to uncertainty. One side supports the rehabilitation process, while the other favors bankruptcy procedures.

Rehabilitation takes time but ensures that at least a portion of the funds can be recovered. Bankruptcy allows for a quicker recovery process, but it carries relatively greater uncertainty.


Hyeonsu “Elliot” Jin, managing partner at Decent Law Firm, said, "Both Haru Invest and Delio have lost the trust of investors and seem unable to continue operations. It seems more suitable for investor relief to proceed with corporate bankruptcy, distributing debts in the short term rather than following a rehabilitation plan that could take a long time to pay back investors. However, if there is a possibility of rehabilitation, that would not be a bad option either."