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How to Respond to the 'Withdrawal Suspension' Crisis of Delio and Haru Invest

Host: Director Han Chi-ho
Guest: Hyeonsu “Elliot” Jin, managing partner at Decent Law Firm

Q. What is the Delio and Haru Invest incident?

  • The suspension of virtual asset deposits by Haru Invest and Delio is causing a widespread impact.
  • Haru Invest operated a virtual asset deposit service.
  • Haru Invest is in a state of over-indebtedness or insolvency.
  • Delio generated profits through the management of customer assets.
  • After suspending withdrawals, Delio held meetings with users, but the extent of the losses has not been disclosed.

Q. What are the legal perspectives on Delio and Haru Invest's 'withdrawal suspension'?

  • 100 investors have filed fraud charges under the Special Economic Crimes Act, claiming it involved "financial investment products subject to the Capital Markets Act."
  • Contractual breaches between the companies and investors could lead to compensation for damages.
  • Preservation measures, such as provisional injunctions to prohibit the disposal of virtual assets, are expected due to the inability to dispose of assets freely.
  • Delio and Haru Invest may apply for corporate bankruptcy or rehabilitation procedures.

Q. What are the measures for victims of the Delio and Haru Invest incident?

  1. Capture all databases, including virtual asset deposit and withdrawal records.
  2. Consider both civil and criminal actions.
  3. Consider preservation measures.
  4. Monitor the progress of the case closely.
  5. Liquidate virtual assets into cash.

Q. Is there national responsibility for the Delio and Haru Invest incident?

  • Virtual assets lack sufficient legal protection.
  • "Victims of Delio and Haru Invest are not receiving national protection."
  • "In Korea, when issues related to virtual assets arise, the state avoids responsibility."
  • A representative from the Financial Services Commission stated, "Delio's investment method is not under our jurisdiction."
  • The Financial Services Commission needs to actively manage and supervise the situation.