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NEWS Media Coverage

'Pushed partner from the 5th floor', dating violence perpetrator arrested on attempted murder charges.

Police have launched an investigation into a man in his 20s who is suspected of pushing his girlfriend from a five-story building, causing her to fall.

According to the police on the 17th, the Seocho Police Station in Seoul received a formal complaint in January and has since booked A, a man in his 20s, on charges of attempted murder and is currently investigating the case. The complainant, B, was in a romantic relationship with A.


Attorney Pureun “Ian” Hong of Decent Law Firm, representing the complainant, stated, "If a victim of dating violence continues to communicate with the perpetrator hastily after the incident, there is a risk that when the case becomes a criminal matter, the perpetrator might argue in front of the investigative authorities or in court that the victim has already forgiven them based on the continued communication." He further advised, "Rather than rushing into a settlement, it is crucial to consult with a lawyer, follow legal procedures, or seek help from experts to find a way out of the situation."